Wednesday 17 June 2015


{ Dear everyone }
Facebook team deleted our "Add Friend" account suddenly without notice (on 14-June-2015), and converted our account to another Page. We can't keep in touch with you as friend anymore from the "Add Friend" account .

A lot of our information in the account has gone missing over the past 7 years of updating, our Admin need sometime to update more information in to this Page.

Meanwhile, you may send us message via Facebook inbox here,
or WhatsApp to : 012-219 2336 (office)

** Much appreciate your support.

基于Facebook 突然删除了我们的户口,把我们换去PAGE, 多年来的资料完全不见了,我们需要些时间更新资料。。。
联络或短信我们,请用现在这个 Page, 或者
WhatsApp 短信 : 012-219 2336 (office)

Need not to worry, we still have our facebook page online. This is the link to our facebook page, please give it a like :

Thank you and have a nice day.

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