Tuesday 9 June 2015

2015/01/10 | Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash

2015/01/10 | Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash

{2015} Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash
布置一个成人的生日派对, 排场若不是整场鲜花浪漫的话。。 就得想想什么主题,如何扮得美美的。。
Vernis 提议了金色+彩色,大气球,趣致(少少), 这样的构思点缀餐厅。♥ heart emoticon
生日派对圆满结束, 除了给寿星女祝福,亲人朋友又可以集聚一堂, 欢度美好时光,才真难能可贵 smile emoticon

Welcome Signboard tied with balloon.

Reception table.

Quite a fancy entrance.

Photo collage.

Photo collage.

Golden background stage. But first, let me take a selife ;)


Cupcakes table and dining room decorated with various colours of balloon.

Dining table decorations.

Some birthday cards.

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