Showing posts with label reception table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reception table. Show all posts

Thursday 17 March 2016

Bandar Botanic Klang | Han Yuan ♥ Jia Yee

Mr Han Yuan contacted our team 1 month before their "Poolside Wedding" at Bandar Botanic Club. According to him, this is an outdoor wedding catered for his friends, after a traditional wedding banquet in a Hotel.

For an outdoor wedding dinner hosted at a Pool Side, James went for site recce..., this wedding dinner is to host for 300 guests..., Bandar Botanic Club does not provide any equipment nor decorations (except tables and chairs) and the entire pool side before setting is empty as seen in the picture of "before set up".

Thus, James advised the couples regarding the set up (*with his vast experience, one site recce, he knows the venue's most suitable for placement of canopies - the correct size, the design, whether any blocking, etc), equipment (AV and lighting), electric power source, etc.

The pool side dinner is in good hands ~ with our arrangements! Canopies for guests seating, canopies for F&B counter, an outdoor projector & big screen, cabling & power source, outdoor stage, live band, everything essential to glam up the event :) 

For such arrangements, it is impossible to organised if someone without the knowledge nor experience for an outdoor party, and having a contingency plan, in addition to complement and heighten the wedding dinner, we have the reception table decor, VIP table setting, flower pedestals, photo-booth, arch, mini posies (simple-simple will do) for 30 tables..

While every guests enjoying the dinner that night, the couple has earlier requested us to place a Signboard at reception counter, stated - they do not collect any Angpow or Gift for this wedding, your attendance is the blessing to the couple! ~ ~ ♥

一个月的时间,新人要我们筹备在 Bandar Botanic Pool Side 特设的婚礼晚宴,邀请约300 位宾客, 搞搞新气氛的户外晚宴 ~ outdoor wedding dinner party ~

筹备整个 wedding dinner 是我们一手包办。 新人只知道他们要个户外晚宴,其他就由我们替他们看地点可否容纳 300 位宾客,那么多棵树的空地,放得下什么样的棚子, 美不美,灯光,讲台, projector 哪里找大型的等等。。 我们都替他们安排了 :) (筹备event对我们而言已很熟悉了)

这样的布置,我们的组员在半夜就开始搭棚了,晚上搭棚,要试试fairy lights 和 水晶灯光会不会亮, 避免故障,第二天 Club 的人要排桌椅,不要妨碍其他的工作人员。


Photo taken before set up

 The Site before set up 


Fresh flower on guest tables

The Lace Skirting with the Groom & Bride embroidery finished sign blocks.

The sweet looking Photo Booth with light shades.

The View at Night on Stage... :)

A closer look at the amazing stage with a Chandelier over hanging above for the elegant touch at stage

The Night View

Night view of the canopies, decorated with fairy lights.

Closed-up details of the Canopy ^.^


Thanks for viewing , feel free to leave us a message for any inquiries.. 

Sunday 25 October 2015

2015.02.28 | The Club | Fau & Wendy

2015.02.28 | The Club | Fau & Wendy

Reception table.

Album table.

 A closer look for the photos, sweetness overload~~~

Shiny crystal chips and tea light candles.

Angel figure and album.

 Photo booth with garden feel.

Photo booth.

Crystal flower vase and chandeliers.

 Flower stands with fairy light.

Stage backdrop. simple and elegant ;)

 VIP table decor and VIP chairs tied with pink fabric and flower ball.

Thank you for viewing, feel free to drop us any inquiry. Our facebook page is:

Wednesday 17 June 2015

{Wedding Planning & Coordination}

Hiring Wedding Planners, or Wedding Coordinators for your Big Day?
Besides wedding decorations , our team, experience in wedding planning and coordination since 2009.
Contact us for more details.

Memories de Wedding 承办周全的婚礼策划服务
自2009 年至今已为不少新人筹办他她的大日子

2009 | Dr. Stephen & Seleena | Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur.


Bride and groom.

Bride and groom are slicing the wedding cake.

2013 | Ck & Eedaii | Moon Palace


Stage backdrop shining in the dark.

2011 | Sue-May & Kevin | Port Dickson Lexus Hotel

Chinese theme wedding.


2013 | Melvin & Tania | Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Reception table.

Glowing chandeliers and flower stands along the walkway sides.

2014 | Andy & Yvonne | Hatten Hotel Malacca

Reception table.

Photo booth.

Walkway decorated with flower branches and traditional lanterns. 

Thank you for viewing, please like our facebook page:
Happy blogging. :D 

Tuesday 9 June 2015

2015/01/10 | Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash

2015/01/10 | Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash

{2015} Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash
布置一个成人的生日派对, 排场若不是整场鲜花浪漫的话。。 就得想想什么主题,如何扮得美美的。。
Vernis 提议了金色+彩色,大气球,趣致(少少), 这样的构思点缀餐厅。♥ heart emoticon
生日派对圆满结束, 除了给寿星女祝福,亲人朋友又可以集聚一堂, 欢度美好时光,才真难能可贵 smile emoticon

Welcome Signboard tied with balloon.

Reception table.

Quite a fancy entrance.

Photo collage.

Photo collage.

Golden background stage. But first, let me take a selife ;)


Cupcakes table and dining room decorated with various colours of balloon.

Dining table decorations.

Some birthday cards.

Thank you for viewing, if you haven't like our facebook page, please click on this link and give us a like :

Wednesday 20 May 2015

2015/02/14 | Wai Yang & Wei Wei | Regent Hall, 统一 Restaurant

2015/02/14 | Wai Yang & Wei Wei | Regent Hall, 统一 Restaurant

Congrats to Wai Yang & Wei Wei 
Thanks for giving us a chance to be part of your big day ^ ^ heart emoticon

Reception table.

Album table decorated with rose and teddy bear figurine.

Wedding signboard & photo booth.

VIP table.

Here's the Candy buffet -- the heaven for sweet lovers.

Thanks for viewing, hope you enjoy. And do like our facebook page: