Wednesday 22 July 2015

Shangrila Hotel | Kuala Lumpur

Shangrila Hotel | Kuala Lumpur 

Overall view.


Flower stand with shining fairy lights.

 Ceiling drapes.

 Guest table.

VIP table centrepiece.

Thank you for viewing our blog, have a nice day.

Monday 13 July 2015

2009 | Renaissance Kuala Lumpur | Kent & Joanne

2009 | Renaissance Kuala Lumpur | Kent & Joanne

婚礼布置包括什么呢?一般知道的有 photo-booth, reception tables, flower stands...等等
介绍你,我们也有ceiling drapes, wall drapes, 订做的主题布置, 各式各样... 只要你想到的,要找间能做到的婚庆公司,问问我们吧 smile emoticon
Wedding decorations at Renaissance KL back on year 2009,
intro our services & skills..
* Ceiling drapes
* Name, or Logo embossed on white carpet, white carpet provided by us
* Do you notice the balloons hanging on the ceiling on top of the stage? "Balloons Drop" service by us, the balloons to be release during the cake cutting session.

Overall view.

Renaissance KL ballroom decorate with ceiling drapes & fairy lights.

Ceiling drapes and fairy lights.

The design of  the white carpet and "Balloon Drops" to be released from ceiling.

VIP Bridal table set up with custom made brown fabrics. The white carpet has name (or logo) embossed in gold colour.

Call it Magic~~~

Thank you for viewing our blog, stay tune for new and latest update.
And also, please like our facebook page:

Monday 29 June 2015

2015 | Manoj & Shanu Wedding | Bangsar Nexus

2015 | Manoj & Shanu Wedding | Bangsar Nexus

{2015} Manoj & Shanu wedding
Congratulations! smile emoticon smile emoticon

Reception table.

Registration form on the reception table.

Album table.

Love is everywhere.

Flower decoration and signboard.

Some awesome decorations.


Dining table decorated in ocean theme.

Carriage decorated with fairy lights and garland.

VIP table.

Ocean theme wedding cake.

Chuppah arch and crystal.

Thanks for viewing, stay tuned for more news and latest update.
Please like our facebook page:

Monday 22 June 2015

2015 | New Year Eve Celebration

2015 | New Year Eve Celebration

Firstly, our thanks to Mrs Liew for being the 2nd time to call us to decorate her premise.
This was a 2015 New Year Eve Countdown Party.
Our services do supply Transparent Canopy, Arabic Canopy, equipments like Sound & Lights, etc. We are one stop, specialised in events supplies.
这次有别一般的派对,主人在家搞2015新年倒数派对~ ~ 
是我们出场的时候了... 食物定了, liveband 定了, 棚也有的 (Caterer 一起送来的)。
这呢,我们給少少意见。。一般caterer 送来的棚是红色棚, 原子灯,还没包括冷气,比较普通的。
我们提议了Fairy Lights 棚,水晶吊灯等等,会有美丽的效果 ^ ^
相信这派对也邀请了一些贵宾,现场效果要华丽的 ^ ^
整个筹备少于7天,我们必须在这几天内赶工。我们的团队对于会场布置熟悉,所以可以短时间内筹办棚,气球,桌布,椅套,ribbons, 鲜花等 smile emoticon


Canopy decorated with fairy light and balloons.

 Fresh flowers as decoration on the table.

View from the outside, shinny. XD

Thanks for viewing, feel free to drop us any inquiry. Our facebook page is:

Wednesday 17 June 2015


{ Dear everyone }
Facebook team deleted our "Add Friend" account suddenly without notice (on 14-June-2015), and converted our account to another Page. We can't keep in touch with you as friend anymore from the "Add Friend" account .

A lot of our information in the account has gone missing over the past 7 years of updating, our Admin need sometime to update more information in to this Page.

Meanwhile, you may send us message via Facebook inbox here,
or WhatsApp to : 012-219 2336 (office)

** Much appreciate your support.

基于Facebook 突然删除了我们的户口,把我们换去PAGE, 多年来的资料完全不见了,我们需要些时间更新资料。。。
联络或短信我们,请用现在这个 Page, 或者
WhatsApp 短信 : 012-219 2336 (office)

Need not to worry, we still have our facebook page online. This is the link to our facebook page, please give it a like :

Thank you and have a nice day.

{Wedding Planning & Coordination}

Hiring Wedding Planners, or Wedding Coordinators for your Big Day?
Besides wedding decorations , our team, experience in wedding planning and coordination since 2009.
Contact us for more details.

Memories de Wedding 承办周全的婚礼策划服务
自2009 年至今已为不少新人筹办他她的大日子

2009 | Dr. Stephen & Seleena | Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur.


Bride and groom.

Bride and groom are slicing the wedding cake.

2013 | Ck & Eedaii | Moon Palace


Stage backdrop shining in the dark.

2011 | Sue-May & Kevin | Port Dickson Lexus Hotel

Chinese theme wedding.


2013 | Melvin & Tania | Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Reception table.

Glowing chandeliers and flower stands along the walkway sides.

2014 | Andy & Yvonne | Hatten Hotel Malacca

Reception table.

Photo booth.

Walkway decorated with flower branches and traditional lanterns. 

Thank you for viewing, please like our facebook page:
Happy blogging. :D 

Tuesday 9 June 2015

2015/01/10 | Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash

2015/01/10 | Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash

{2015} Shirley Chin's Birthday Bash
布置一个成人的生日派对, 排场若不是整场鲜花浪漫的话。。 就得想想什么主题,如何扮得美美的。。
Vernis 提议了金色+彩色,大气球,趣致(少少), 这样的构思点缀餐厅。♥ heart emoticon
生日派对圆满结束, 除了给寿星女祝福,亲人朋友又可以集聚一堂, 欢度美好时光,才真难能可贵 smile emoticon

Welcome Signboard tied with balloon.

Reception table.

Quite a fancy entrance.

Photo collage.

Photo collage.

Golden background stage. But first, let me take a selife ;)


Cupcakes table and dining room decorated with various colours of balloon.

Dining table decorations.

Some birthday cards.

Thank you for viewing, if you haven't like our facebook page, please click on this link and give us a like :